Our Story

Community at our Heart
Based in Marlow UK, LALA JERRARD has focused on maintaining strong communal values at its heart. By collaborating with local photographers and designers, we are passionate about supporting the smaller independent businesses and contributing to their growth. It's paramount with give back to the community and show up where we can - This involves attending local markets, donating jewellery for fundraising events and giving a portion of our market income towards non-profit organisations.
We aspire to pioneer a movement that gives back in more ways than one. Whether we are making people feel great about themselves through jewellery or supporting campaigns, we want to show and promote the art of giving.
For community collaborations, please get in touch at: info@lalajerrard.com

Sustainability is our Responsibility
In developing LALA, it was essential we knew exactly what was being made, how it was being made and why. It was paramount we had full transparency with our supply chain, that ethical practise and sustainability was at its core.
Our priorities are ethical manufacturing processes, supply chains that offer 100% recyclable/reusable materials and carbon footprint awareness.
We have chosen to transport a large chunk of our goods-journey via train. Despite a longer transit, this option remains the greenest and most environmentally friendly option in comparison to other modes of transportation. With over 70% fewer carbon emissions than long haul sea and air freight options, rail transportation is the most eco-friendly option.
We are developing this area of our business, and learning everyday the ways we can reduce our carbon footprint. Looking after the planet that looks after us is a privilege, and we promise to always have this at the forefront of our growth.